Finishing Well

And just like that, nine out of the ten-months of the apprenticeship are over! Crazy.

We started April by hosting Spring Showcase, a fundraiser for our students going to SICM (Student Institute of Campus Ministry), a two-week leadership conference in Bellingham, Washington.

Our community really embraces the value of joining God in "building from the ground up" by training and equipping students to be leaders on campus and disciples of Jesus.
This is evident in the support that people gave these SICM students!

Stuffed animals, potted plants, coffee beans, and art were just a few of the items people donated to raise funds for students going to SICM!

More art!

A snapshot of one of the many talented acts that performed at showcase.

Hector, from my core, sharing why we should give and invest in God's kingdom.
Where would community be without mission?

Just some of our Collin students at an after event at my house.
Where would mission be without community?

Cody, Pedro and I. 
These two have made such an incredible impact on my walk with God and relationships with people.

Snapshot of our first North Collin Friday Night Fellowship, made up of the Preston Ridge and Central Park campuses! This was an opportunity for our smaller campuses to reflect on the year. They shared encouragements, as well as growth areas with each other.

I moved out of the house I had lived in for the past 9 months into an apartment since I'll get married later this month (on the 25th)! It'll be weird to live by myself for 28 days.

Thankfully, some of the community came through and helped me move in. 
Shout out to Cody, Harrison, Caleb, and Shannon!

Jacy, my mom, and my sisters resting after they helped me unpack and set up some of the new apartment.
It's already starting to feel more like a home!

Discussion groups during our Thursday fellowship.
It was encouraging to see how students looked into the context of scripture and even some of the original Greek text!

The 2018-2019 Collin FOCUS leader team!

It's sad to know that there are only 31 days left of the apprenticeship. I'm looking forward to the potential job I'll start this summer (I'm interviewing for a few over these next few weeks, so please be praying for that process)! 

Prayer Requests
  • That our staff and students finish well this semester/school year, and carry what they learn into the summertime
  • For my job search as I transition out of full-time ministry and into a new job
  • Security and trust in God for the students in our community, it's hard to be in college and struggling with your faith!

Your brother in Christ,
Alex Garcia

This month's student testimony, featuring a guy I met as a freshman who is now a junior in Denton FOCUS!


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